Taysha Brito has participated in Beginner's Reformer and Reformer classes at TerraLuna since the studio opened in and we'd like to get to know her a bit better.
Would you share with us your Pilates story and how long you've been practicing Pilates?
I started Pilates in July 2022. I’ve had back problems since my last pregnancy and felt it was time to work on feeling better.
What is an activity which was difficult for you in the beginning but is now easier?
I couldn’t do tabletop for the life of me. When I started I used a ball to help me hold my legs up. Within a couple weeks I was able to do it!
Do you have an activity that you currently struggle with? If so, what are the challenge that you experience?
An activity that I struggle with is planks! I’ve been able to do some of them but my fear of falling holds me back a little bit. I’m pushing myself to try though and I’ve been getting better!
Tell us about props! Favorite and least favorite.
Favorite props? None to be honest, but I’ll try everything once haha.
If you had a "Signature Activity" what would it be?
I’m really enjoying anything we do in hand straps right now. I think I’m finally doing them right so I feel the work I’m doing.
Do you have a goal you'd like to share with us or perhaps a little-known fact about you?
My main goal with Pilates is to gain strength in my lower back to reduce my pain. Short term, I’d like to tackle the plank where I balance myself on my forearms.
A little known fact, Spanish is my first language. I didn’t learn English until I was 5 and in kindergarten!
Do you have words of wisdom to share with other Guests?
You’re stronger than you think! Showing up every week (however many times you can manage to come) and putting in the work will make an impact!
Finally, what is one food/drink/item you cannot live without?
I say pasta but my husband said it’s chocolate lol!
Thank you Taysha, for sharing a bit about yourself and your Pilates journey and also for sharing this lovely family photo of yourself, Gilberto (who is also a Guest at the studio) and your beautiful daughters Gianna and Arianna!
