Linda Wheeler has been a Guest at TerraLuna since January, 2023 and we'd like to get to know her a bit better.
What brought you to Pilates and how long you've been practicing?
I came to practice Pilates out of despair. I found myself in a very low spot in 2017; highly stressful job, herniated disc of my lower lumbar, caregiver to an elderly parent, just overwhelmed. I previously practiced yoga for about 15 years and while I did love embracing the mind/body/spirit aspect I just felt that I needed more. On a whim I signed up for my first Reformer class, from the moment I laid down on the machine and focused on the breath I was hooked. I knew I found the more I was looking for.
Do you have a goal you'd like to share that Pilates helped you/is helping you obtain?
As someone who suffers from low back pain strengthening my core was mandatory. I am an avid walker however when my back would flare up I couldn't manage a 10 minute walk without pain shooting from my spine to my hip. My core has become so strong I just came back from a trip out West where I walked in excess of 20,000 steps per day! I was exhausted and exhilarated at the same time, priceless.
What class(es) have you/do you take? Do you have a favorite class?
I have tried almost all the classes offered however I do love a good "Jump" or Athletic Reformer class. I like to get the blood pumping which is why I look forward to trying the new class additions. I just signed up for my first Turn and Burn with Nancy. I am equally excited and terrified at the same time, I do know Nancy will make it great!
What is an activity which was difficult for you in the beginning but is now easier?
Without a doubt obliques, I do not believe they have become less difficult as time has gone by but my intention to get the most out if the movement is there! I applaud all who make it look so easy!
Tell us about props! Favorite and least favorite.
I do love a spikey ball, again it is all about balance and core control. I believe I am less fond of the squishy ball although I do appreciate how it can make my thighs scream!
If you had a "Signature Activity" what would it be?
I am not sure if this qualifies as a signature move but I do love to jump and do Peter Pans! It's like flying, I literally smile the entire time. Also I have been know to move the Reformer across the room while performing this feat!
How do you define "wellness"?
For me wellness is all about balance. My mother taught me from a very young age everything in moderation. That is how I try to live my life. When life starts spiraling out of control I take a step back, take a huge breath, recalibrate my mind/body/spirit and focus on what really matters the most; family, health, friends, and all in the universe that is good and greater than we know.
One more thing ya gotta have love. Love not only for your family and friends but for yourself. When I learned to love myself my well being rose exponentially!
Would you share a little-known fact about yourself?
For 11 years I was the owner of Sky Meadow Herb Farm, an organic culinary herb farm. I sold to local markets and chefs and never worked so hard in my life! It was so rewarding and humbling when a customer would tell me how much they loved my product.
Finally, what is one food/drink you cannot live without?
This is truly hard because I love food and a good drink! When my husband met me he commented on the fact that he had never seen such a little person consume so much food! Well those days are gone and as much as I would like to say a really good glass of wine or a Maine lobster alas it all comes down to a really great cup of coffee, Linda is so much nicer in the morning because of it!
Thank you Linda, for sharing a bit about yourself and your Pilates journey!
